
We are proud to partner with Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital in sharing these safety messages. For more tips and resources on how to keep your kid(s) safe, visit

Helmet Safety

Wear Your Helmet 

Wear a helmet whenever you lace up your rollerblades or climb on your bike, skateboard, or scooter, no matter your age! A helmet only works when you wear it. Set an example by wearing a helmet and encouraging your friends to wear one. 

More than 1,200 people die each year, and thousands more are seriously injured in bicycle, rollerblade, scooter, and skateboard accidents. The most severe accidents involve head injuries. A safety helmet that fits correctly can prevent many of these. 

Helmet Fittings 

  1. Be sure your helmet has an ANSI or SNELL label certifying it is safe.  
  2. Place a snug-fitting helmet on the child’s head.  
  3. Adjust the helmet straps so the helmet cannot be moved from side to side or back and forth.  
  4. There should be about one finger width between the chin strap and the child’s chin.  

Safety Tips 

  • Wear a helmet and protective clothing, no matter how slowly you are riding. A fall at any speed can cause a severe head injury.  
  • Stop and look both ways for cars before entering the street from a driveway, parking lot or sidewalk.  
  • Move with the traffic flow - ride on the right-hand side of the street.  
  • Ride single-file and never carry any passengers on bicycles built for one.  
  • Obey all traffic laws, signs, and signals. Bicycles are not toys - they are considered vehicles.  
  • Slow down when approaching intersections. Children should walk their bikes across busy intersections and streets. Don’t assume drivers will give you the right-of-way.  
  • If biking at night is necessary, equip your bike with a headlight and reflectors. Also, wear reflective tape or clothing.  
  • Always watch for potential hazards like loose gravel, potholes, wet leaves or other things that may cause you to crash.  
  • Keep your bicycle under control. No stunts.  
  • Ride skateboards and scooters on the sidewalk.  
  • Give cars and pedestrians the right-of-way and always pass them on the left.  
  • Make sure your bike is safe and the right size for you. Ensure both feet can touch the ground while sitting on the bicycle seat.  
  • Check your brakes, tires, and chain before you ride. Make sure they are in good working condition.  

Common Injury Situations 

  • Entering the street from a driveway, sidewalk, or curb without looking or yielding  
  • Crossing at intersections  
  • Making a left turn or swerving to avoid something  
  • Riding against traffic