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    Joining National Guard 'The Opportunity I Needed' For SCL Health Associate

    Joining National Guard 'The Opportunity I Needed' For SCL Health Associate

    Joining National Guard 'The Opportunity I Needed' For SCL Health Associate

    Oomar Olivas, Senior Technology Analyst for SCL Health, joined the National Guard to deepen his impact in his community. Through this commitment, he has been able to help on a local and national level, from pulling people out of the snow to supporting the 2021 Presidential Inauguration to responding to wildfires.

    On this Veteran’s Day, it seems fitting to share a recent video produced by the National Guard that features Oomar, the work that he does and why he decided to enlist.

    This past June, the 3rd Battalion, 157th Field Artillery Regiment of the Colorado Army National Guard travelled down to Fort Chaffee, Arkansas to conduct their annual training. Follow along Staff Sgt. Oomar Olivas, a launcher chief, and his fire crew as they complete their annual crew certifications.

    We thank Oomar for his active service, and honor and reflect on the sacrifices of all veterans and their families - across our ministry and beyond. We know Oomar’s service story is one of many, with more than 300 past or current service members working at SCL Health. To our veterans, thank you for your bravery and selfless commitment.