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    DIY: Fun and Affordable Ways to Decorate for Fall

    DIY: Fun and Affordable Ways to Decorate for Fall

    DIY: Fun and Affordable Ways to Decorate for Fall

    There’s a certain crispness to the air whenever fall arrives. It reminds us that the sweltering heat and pool parties of summer are part of a fleeting phase. The fun and spooky traditions of Halloween are right around the corner, and then come the feasts and warmth of Thanksgiving. It all seems to happen so fast — so how do we slow things down to enjoy it all a bit more? Decorating our homes and paying homage to the passing seasons seems to help us appreciate and savor each moment, so let’s start there!

    And with the holidays quickly approaching, it makes even more sense to craft your own decorations with some simple materials and a little DIY craftiness. Whether you’re 6 or 60, creating something with your own two hands is a rewarding (and fun) experience.

    Adorable Dryer Vent Pumpkins

    Fall Crafts Inline 1

    Who would have thought industrial duct work could be so much fun? With a short length of dryer ventilation, some paint and a few other household items, you can craft a cute little pumpkin in no time!

    Watch this handy video for inspiration, or get the written instructions from A Diamond in the Stuff.

    Handy Dandy Leaf Bowl

    Fall Crafts Inline 2

    Whether it’s for keys, loose change or even more decorations, who couldn’t get some use out of a festive leaf bowl? But rather than going out and buying one from a store full of pricey decor, you can make one with just a handful of fake plastic leaves. Pro tip: If you have a decades-old autumn wreath, you can dismantle it and use the leaves from that

    The Hallmark Channel has you covered for this crafty endeavor.

    Elegant Fall Mantelpiece

    Fall Crafts Inline 3

    If your house or apartment has a more modern feel to it, this is just the simple and elegant touch of fall you could be looking for. Hang it as a tasteful wreath on your door or mount it on your mantle for a pop of color in your living room.

    The ladies at Eighteen25 have all the instructions you’ll need to get started.

    Crafty Candy Jar

    Fall Crafts Inline 4

    And of course, what would a fall decorations list be without a candy jar? Even if it isn’t Halloween time yet, you can always fill these bad boys with seasonal nuts or other assorted snacks to keep your tummy full and happy.

    The aptly named blog A Pumpkin and a Princess will get you set in the right direction.

    Wrapped Wheat Centerpiece

    Fall Crafts Inline 5

    We’ve got another minimalist-inspired project for you. This one can either serve as a chic centerpiece or you can use each wheat stalk as color-coded placeholders. The simple design is suited for any sort of meal, so feel free to use it throughout the season.

    Head over to Inspired by Charm to get the full tutorial.

    Pressed Leaf Bookmarks

    Fall Crafts Inline 6

    One of the best parts about autumn is having an excuse to get cozy and read a book. If you’re a parent, that activity is all the more enjoyable with your kids! So whether you’re young at heart or have some young ones at home, these bookmarks are just genuinely fun to make.

    For a step-by-step guide to make some bookmarks (and memories), take a look at Mommy Evolution’s post.

    Nature-Inspired Crowns and Masks

    Fall Crafts Inline 7

    This project is definitely more focused toward the kiddos you know. And since children love to dress up, this creative nod to woodland creatures and changing seasons will give them the perfect outlet to make pretend.

    Handmade Charlotte created some excellent examples of what can happen when you mix the majesty of nature with a dash of ingenuity.

    Cozy Flannel Coasters

    Fall Crafts Inline 8

    Flannel and fall go hand in hand — it’s just such a warm and cozy time of year. So why not have coasters that match your coat? These cute, cost-effective and ridiculously easy-to-make coasters eliminate cup rings and bad moods at the same time.

    If you’re looking to craft these during some free time, Elle Sees is the place to go!

    Please let us know how it goes if you make any or all of these fun fall decorations. And if you have any of your own DIY projects in the works, tell us about it in the comments!