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    Real Moms Talk Work-Life Balance

    Real Moms Talk Work-Life Balance

    Real Moms Talk Work-Life Balance

    It’s no secret that moms have a special set of superpowers. That’s the only possible explanation for how they get everything done and still have a life, right?

    Wrong. Real-life moms simply can’t do it all, and that’s 100% OK. Finding that elusive harmony between work, family and everything in between takes hard work and practice. And the truth is that there is no one-size-fits-all answer for how to be a great mom.

    The good news is, you’re not alone. Millions of moms before you have gone through their fair share of trial and error — and some of them are here to share their advice. So sit back and soak up some unfiltered wisdom from real women, just like you.

    Megan, Chief Vision Officer

    Kiddo’s Age: 2 years old

    Roll with the punches.

    There are so many unexpected elements that factor into parenthood. Randomly sick kiddos, closed school days, bad mornings — the list goes on. Learn to give these things immediate priority over your day-to-day. It can be really difficult to drop everything and shift importance in an instant — you just have to learn to let go of a preconceived schedule.

    Anna, Associate Director of UX/UI

    Kiddo’s Age: 6 months

    Block off time for the important things.

    One of the best things for me has been to make sure that I block my calendar to allow myself time to take breaks and leave work on time. No one else is responsible for making sure that you get what you need, so tools like calendars and “away” statuses communicate to others where your headspace is. I’ve also made a point to schedule a few Fridays off throughout the year, just to have a special time with my son.

    Mandy, Creative Director

    Kiddos’ Ages: 6 and 8 years old

    Frame your job as a good thing.

    Teaching your kids that work is a part of life (and can actually be something you look forward to) is a valuable lesson early on. It’s the way of the world, and presenting it to them in a positive light sets the stage for them to find a job that they’re passionate about and can earn enough to live on someday.

    Abby, High School Teacher

    Kiddos’ Ages: 1 and 4 years old

    Don’t compare yourself to others.

    Your kids, your job, your personal needs for space and time are all uniquely yours. So if something isn't working for your family, don't think, "She can do it, why can’t I?” Maybe you can’t do it her exact way, and that’s OK. Instead, find the schedule that works for you depending on your work day, your partner, your child’s age and whatever other factors play into your life.

    Nina, Social Worker

    Kiddos’ Ages: 17 and 19 years old

    Motherhood is a skill set.

    More and more employers view motherhood as an important asset. They appreciate the skills you’ve learned by raising children — multitasking, hard work, adaptability, etc. Use this knowledge to your advantage, especially if you’ve taken time off to stay home with your kids, by leveraging motherhood into a resume booster when you re-enter the workforce.

    Maria, Chief Experience Officer

    Kiddo’s Age: 2 years old

    No one’s perfect, so forgive yourself.

    Sometimes things aren't balanced, and that’s OK. You can make a set of guidelines, but just remember that they’re guidelines — not hard-and-fast rules. You won’t always be a perfect mom or professional, so give yourself a break and remember that every day is a new day to try again. And allow yourself to feel proud because you’re doing your best.

    Camerin, Proofreader

    Kiddo’s Age: 2 years old

    Always be present.

    I stay off my computer when I’m home because I want to be present with my daughter and  husband. Give them all of your attention — stay off your phone and don't check your work emails when your kid is awake so that you can be in that moment. Spend that time teaching them things and just watch them learn and grow. They aren't going to stay little forever.

    Amy, Account Director

    Kiddos’ Ages: 5 and 8 years old

    Appreciate how your kids put everything in perspective.

    Intimate moments with your little ones can help keep your blood pressure in check, and also give you a fresh perspective on things. Bedtime stories and snuggle sessions have a tendency to make everything else seem pretty insignificant. If you had a stressful day at the office, it weighs a lot less on your conscious when you’re in that lovely little moment.

    Kate, Supply Chain Specialist

    Kiddo’s Age: 13 weeks old

    Be honest with yourself and everyone else.

    Guess what — it’s okay to be bored during maternity leave. If we’re being straight up, newborns are pretty boring when they sleep all day. Take that same honesty and be open with your partner and co-workers, too. If you have to leave early, tell your fellow employees. If something’s not working for you, tell your partner and find a way to work it out together.

    Jessica, Entrepreneur

    Kiddos’ Ages: 8 months, 3 years old and 5 years old

    Have fun with the mundane.

    When I focus on making even the mundane fun with the kids, everyone is happier. It makes me feel like I’m maximizing my time with them. And although it takes some practice (like anything) once you get in the habit of making that effort, everything is a little more lighthearted.

    The Takeaway That Everyone Agrees On?

    Ask for help.

    Pretty much all the moms we talked to agree that they can’t do it alone. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with admitting you need help. In fact, you should ask. Whether it’s a housekeeper, a babysitter, a friend doing a favor, or splitting time more equally with your partner, an extra pair of hands is indispensable.

    Remember that no mom has it all figured out. No one is perfect. But we can learn from and support each other and that’s another beautiful piece of motherhood.